About Us
Technology-Information-Management-Entrepreneurship - Review (TIMER) is an International Online Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal (Open Access) under the aegis of National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), Tamil Nadu, India.
The key objective of TIMER is to publish the new vistas in research domain and to promulgate scientific advancements & innovations in terms of info-engineering, info-technology, techno-innovation, techno-management, techno-sciences and techno-arts. It will function as a torch bearer to academia and industrial research so as to be at par with global advancements along with variegating social, economical, environmental and entrepreneurial aspects.
The journal intends to congregate the Diverse Disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Management, Entrepreneurship, Basic & Life Sciences, Medical & Paramedical Sciences, Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities through appropriate inventive cum innovative research and development activities on inter-disciplinary avenues, which is of prime importance for enhancing socio-economic sustenance, educational excellence, nation building and global restructuring with talent convergence. It welcomes original, empirical, experimental, conceptual, contextual, analytical papers / articles / manuscripts / cases using appropriate research structuring.
- Aims to publish the stemming research aspects with diverse prospects across various disciplines under the ambit of knowledge, excellence and quality.
- Encourages and congregates impeccable research contributions.
- Facilitates the original research contributions of researchers, scholars, academicians, practitioners, and students.
- Fosters entrepreneurship development and innovation through accepting multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research articles.
- It intends to position itself as a quality-centric multidisciplinary refereed journal across the globe.
- The research paper publications have to promulgate socio-economic sustenance, global research innovations, and entrepreneurship development.
Journal Particulars
Title: | Technology-Information-Management-Entrepreneurship - Review (TIMER) |
Frequency: | Biannual |
Publication Format: | Online |
E-ISSN: | 2584-1602 |
Subject: | Multi-Disciplinary Subjects |
Language: | English |
Starting Year: | 2023 |
Editor-in-Chief: | Prof. Dr. R. Ganesan Chairman, NFED |
Publishing Body: | National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India (www.nfedindia.org) |
Contact Us
#5, 2nd Street, S.R.P. Ponnusamy Nagar, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore - 641011, Tamil Nadu, India
General Queries:
info@timerjournal.org | timerjournal@gmail.com
Paper Submission:
+91 77086 47015